
Ha Ha

Friday, August 04, 2006

No More Flojos

This week, all the wars are really getting to me, but I want to rant, so I found something close to my heart...Flojos 101s.

I started wearing them in high school. They were the PERFECT beach shoe because you could wear them into the water and not have to take them off. They were dry in like a minute and were super easy to clean. I have been wearing them since the early 80's (totally dating myself here!)

So I went to the Flojo site to order another pair. I noticed that they only had a few sizes, so I sent an email to customer service to ask when there would be more 101s available. The email I get back was SAD! They are discontinuing their signature shoe. I have scoured the web to find a few remaining pairs, but it is not to be. Why? I mean damn...I really like them. It totally sucks. I got one of the last pairs, but could only get them in a size that will be too big. Sadness...Self absorbed yes, but I feel a bit better.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Mel's Dilemma

So poor, or should I say rich, ol' Mel Gibson, was busted for drunk driving. Hmmm..OK so he fell off the wagon, most folks do. And so he got a bit belligerent with the arresting officers. Well, heck, drunks do the darndest things. And yeah, he may have said some very nasty remarks, of an anti-Semitic nature. Well, you know the old saying: the drunk man's speech is the sober man's thoughts. With all the other drama in the world, I do not think this should rate the media attention it has been getting. I am sure I am one of the few people who DID NOT see the Passion of the Christ. I was not interested in the Catholic view of the death of Christ, nor was I interested in an Aramaic movie, as novel as that was.

All Mel has to do is to lay low for a week or so, and some other celebrity will mess up royally and he will be off the hook. I do wish the media would focus more on real news, oh like all the WARS that seem to be occurring in Africa and the Middle East. When was the last time you heard about the genocide in the Sudan? My point exactly.