
Ha Ha

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Working on Saturday

The University I teach at has a strange policy. If a class is missed because of a holiday, the course time must be made up. It has something to do with our accreditation. So, here I sit on a Saturday morning with a number of college students, and none of us want to be here....Such as silly rule. So I let them bring their kids, who are surfing the net, and instead of lecturing or any other typical class activity, I am letting them work on their term papers, which are due next week.

There is a new Lewis Black special on tonight on HBO. He is brilliant. There are so many good comedians out their who focus on serious issues. Thank God, because we need to laugh at what a mess things are.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Vegas or Bust

I am trying to go with a group of college students to Vegas. Hanging with the young uns'. But it really is becoming very difficult to arrange. It's not like I drink or gamble, I just really need to get away! Maybe I should just go to Morongo. Much closer.

It's Friday and I am burnt...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Is he really dead?

So apparently, the US Military bombed the crap out of Abu Musab al Zarqawi....literally. Finally. But that will leave a power vacuum that will be filled with many Zarqawi wanna-bees. I remember that video where he supposedly cut that American guy's head off. I do not know if that was real or not but it really grossed me out, even if it was faked. And if it wasn't ....well ewwwwww. I guess I am so jaded by all the propaganda that although I support our troops (God forbid if you do not say that) I am sick of the entire mess. A war started with lies, which changed the minute the lies were exposed. WMDs became a mission of liberation from an awful dictator. There are worse dictators. I need to stop, I am getting depressed.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Day After

OK, so it was 06/06/06 yesterday and despite warnings from the "right", the world did not end. Although the President thought he could distract America from the real issues by revisiting gay marriage and flag burning, I am hoping most citizens realize it is just a smoke screen to hide what the crazy government is really up to.....driving our deficit through the fricking roof!

Monday, June 05, 2006

I am an Internet Addict

The net has been down at my school site since Friday. I called tech support and some techie reported he had fixed the problem on Friday. NOT! So, I called tech support back today and the phone support person was very upset to hear that someone had marked the job as completed in the system when it wasn't. I guess someone is going to get in trouble, but hey...I STILL DON"T HAVE THE NET! Well, actually at this exact moment I do, but I am now at the University I teach at and they ALWAYS have the net. =)

Tomorrow is part two of the science competition between the school where I teach and a rather well-performing charter school. My students have been practicing like there is no tomorrow. I know they will do well.

On a side note, I am rather concerned about this charter school here in LA, Academia Semillas Del Pueblo, that apparently is teaching seperatism to it's Latino students. I am all for being proud of your heritage. Hell...I am totally proud of my Irish heritage. But I try to teach all my students, no matter where they are from or what their background is, the importance of being an American. Oh I know that is a bit old fashioned, but what can I say. I am not a right wing freak, I am totally on the left...Be happy to be an American, just do not trust the government! =)