
Ha Ha

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

End of the Year

So, for the first and I guess last time, I am teaching 5th grade. At the end of the year approaches, we have tried to plan all these great culminating activities for the 5th graders, before they "graduate" and leave for middle school. First question...what ever happened to the term jr. high? Such a much better description.

Any who...So last week we had a sock hop. Did they know what a sock hop was? No, but after we showed them some videos of how people danced in the 50s and gave them about 30 minutes of simple dance lessons, it was on! We have also done autograph day (each student was given an autograph book and a pen - no yearbooks this year!) and we have had the 1st of 2 popcorn and a movie days. Tomorrow, we are going to the Port of Los Angeles to go ride on a Next week there is the 5th grade picnic, the Staff/Student kickball game and a talent show. During the last week of school, there is a formal dance/luncheon and then graduation itself. Sound fun? Please....WAY too much extra work to make all this happen!

Somehow I still have to give 3 district mandated assessments in language arts, math and science as well as planning and supervising all of these events. When I was told last week that they wanted me to teach 1st grade next year, I was completely freaked, but now, maybe I should look on it as a blessing. Little kids are so easily amused, but my fear is their short attention spans. Talk about an odd dichotomy: 1st graders in the day and undergrad and graduate students at night. *SIGH* I wish I could get a full time college gig!


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