
Ha Ha

Friday, July 28, 2006

The Goonies

The kids are tired of summer school, so today, after recess, I broke down and let them watch The Goonies. I cannot believe several of them have not seen this flick yet. Although most of them have seen the new Pirates movie, thanks to video pirates, they haven't seen this older pirate thriller. They are also surprised that Mikey is that hobbit guy =)

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Real Ghostbusters

It is about a million degrees here in LA, and now that the training is over, I am teaching summer school again. It is after school, and today's presentation is a Real Ghostbusters marathon. I have all 140 episodes on DVD. Most of them are familiar with the movie, but not with the cartoon. So, I am happy to share the joy of these episodes with them. Besides, it is too hot to do anything else.