OK so the Minutemen protested in Los Angeles this week and the pro immigration people showed up. You would think that it would have been a forum for rational and logical debate, this is America right??? But the pro immigration people got a bit out of hand. Ted Hayes, a local African-American Homeless advocate, was told to “Go back to Africa”, even though he is a 5th generation local.
UNBELIEVABLE! Bill Handel was talking this morning about Mexico’s immigration laws. Damn hypocrites! They only allow 3,000 people a year to become citizens, only in-country born individuals can be cops, firemen, sit on the city council, and many other decent wage jobs. And yet…Vincente Fox has the nerve to try and dictate what US immigration policy should be. I think we should do as he does and not as he says. Let’s use Mexico’s immigration policy as a model for our own. Close and militarize the borders (as Mexico’s SOUTHERN BORDER IS CLOSED AND MILITARIZED) and do not allow naturalized citizens the same rights. OK so even I think that is too extreme, but is it too much to ask that we just secure our borders and have people just obey the laws we already have? All that would take is for our own government to enforce excisting laws.
I love living near Hollywood. Out in front of
Mann’s Chinese Theater, you will find out of work actors, dressed up as many of your favorite movie characters, ready to pose for pictures with all of the tourists. The Freddie Krueger guy actually had REAL fingernail knives and “accidentally” stabbed a tourist. It is dangerous out on the mean streets of LA!