
Ha Ha

Monday, July 16, 2007

Oh Harry...

So, I saw Harry Potter 5. It is my least favorite of the books, due to the evil of the Ministry of Magic - D. Umbridge. I thought I would really hate it. I went and saw it at the I-Max 3D, and was disappointed to find out that only the last 20 minutes of it were actually in 3D. It was really long and really only covered maybe 100 pages of the book.

J.K.R.'s books are so complex and descriptive that I wonder if movies were really the medium to go with. Imagine the YEARS and YEARS of episodic TV we could get out of these novels....but, I digress.

If you haven't seen it, well then go, although hopefully, you have already read the books, because if not, you will be completely lost. Living here in CA, we have gotten all the hype of the premier, I studiously avoided Hollywood that day. It is so odd to watch Movie 1 and then Movie 5. It is like watching your cousins grow up by only seeing them on the holidays. I also did not know Fred and George (James and Oliver Phelps) have brown hair IRL...go figure.

Only 5 more days until book 7 comes out (July 21st - Harry's Birthday). Obviously, I will not be doing anything this weekend but finding out the fate of the gang from Hogswart. I did hear a rumor that J.K.R. may write another book about the gang, but geez, I am looking forward to a bit of closure with this story line. I mean there are still 2 more movies to go, so it is not like Harry will fall out of the public eye.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy July

OK, I am sweating. It is July and it is HOT in So Cal, but this should make you smile. Someone had a LOT of free time on their hands, but it is actually really good.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

At Last!

No, I am not going to talk about how happy I am that school is over tomorrow, and I really am happy. No, I am going talk about how happy I am that I can finally get a second "School Shooting Tour" t-shirt from T-Shirt Hell. They have the BEST and rudest shirts ever and I do love to offend other people's sensibilities!

Now if you want to SEE these shirts, visit the website, but I will list a few highlights =)

Dumbledore Dies on page 596 - I just saved you 4 hours and $30!

WWJD for a Klondike Bar


1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

I like my women like I like my coffee: ground up and in the freezer!

Restraining orders are just another way to say I love you!

I'm not handicapped, I'm just lazy

Xenu is my homeboy

If you're close enough to read this, you now have SARS

There's a picture of Muhammad on the back of this shirt...(ON BACK) Just Kidding, Praise Allah Please Don't Kill Me!

I'd get high on life but drugs work so much faster.

OK... so go over and check these out. These are rather TAME next to some of the shirts you can get. Oh and BTW, there are only 2 School Shooting Tour shirts left....better hurry!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

This is scary funny.....

Someone sent me this link and it really deserves a look!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

End of the Year

So, for the first and I guess last time, I am teaching 5th grade. At the end of the year approaches, we have tried to plan all these great culminating activities for the 5th graders, before they "graduate" and leave for middle school. First question...what ever happened to the term jr. high? Such a much better description.

Any who...So last week we had a sock hop. Did they know what a sock hop was? No, but after we showed them some videos of how people danced in the 50s and gave them about 30 minutes of simple dance lessons, it was on! We have also done autograph day (each student was given an autograph book and a pen - no yearbooks this year!) and we have had the 1st of 2 popcorn and a movie days. Tomorrow, we are going to the Port of Los Angeles to go ride on a Next week there is the 5th grade picnic, the Staff/Student kickball game and a talent show. During the last week of school, there is a formal dance/luncheon and then graduation itself. Sound fun? Please....WAY too much extra work to make all this happen!

Somehow I still have to give 3 district mandated assessments in language arts, math and science as well as planning and supervising all of these events. When I was told last week that they wanted me to teach 1st grade next year, I was completely freaked, but now, maybe I should look on it as a blessing. Little kids are so easily amused, but my fear is their short attention spans. Talk about an odd dichotomy: 1st graders in the day and undergrad and graduate students at night. *SIGH* I wish I could get a full time college gig!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

An odd thing in the mail....

OK, so I am a sucker for crap on TV and please forgive me, but I bought a book by that creepy Scientology guy, Kevin Trudeau. What a waste of money. But that is not what I am ranting about. So, let's start over....

Last week I got a very interesting letter from a place called the Secret Athenian Society. (For the next little bit I am quoting Ron Shell, cause he already wrote what I want to say!) "They claim to know things about me. Well they have my address so they must be onto something, right? In an envelope marked Domestic First Class Foreign Air Mail postmarked from Grove City, OH. they tell me that the letter is special because it was mailed First Class and not bulk Third Class. It was a personal letter just to [me]. Which I found interesting, as the signature on the letter was printed by a machine and they sent out enough of these personal letters to get a discounted rate ($0.292) on First Class Mail Postage.

Reading the letter a little bit I learn that if I reply today I will get, for free, the ONLY secret that can make anyone rich, powerful, successful and in control. PLUS the secret ingredient that could make women fall in love with [me] and give [me] power and control over virtually ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!

Thats right, anything and everything you could ever want. They tell me that this obviously sounds too good to be true and I should keep reading. After I finish the letter I am laughing because its the funniest piece of mail I have ever gotten. I mean come on, I have gifted people finding me, and how they found me must remain a mystery, for now. They are trying to give me information that has apparently worked for 2,300 years! The tone of the letter seems to be remember, this information is free, but if you don't want to reply, we know where you live and we are special people that know things about you!

So who is behind all of this? Well a name that appears in the letter is Dr. Frank R. Wallace. This is where the fake story usually starts about someone whom you can never find any information about starts his story and how this all works for him. However, this apparently is a real person. He worked for Du Pont, advanced major discoveries with cars at General Motors, worked for IBM, helped with fighter planes, space crafts and missiles our government use and also helped with disease cures! What an amazing man! He also used the secret that they are going to give you, for free, to write a world's bestselling book called, Poker, A Guaranteed Income For Life. OK, wait! HOLD UP! We have a doctor that the world should be thankful for writing books on winning Poker to make a life's income? We have a guy who should be making millions already from his, obviously, successful career is helping the world by writing books on playing Poker? What bull."

So I research and find that there are several versions of this company, including a place called Neo Tech, Neo Warriors, Novus Tek, and I am sure there must be others. Other research reveals a lot about the Doctor here. "His real name is apparently Wallace Ward and hides behind several writing names such as Dr. Higgs Field and John Flint (JF). If you have gotten this letter in the mail, think about it before replying. The organization is cult-like and this is obvious by going to their website.

I have learned the following about the "promotion", which seems to take a predictable form.

1) An individual first receives a letter which appears to be an invitation to join them and discover truths and knowledge.The individual is asked to return an answer to this invitation within a certain amount of days and receive free information.

2) If a reply is given then the individual will receive a pamphlet.This pamphlet contains little extra information than that which was in the original letter but it also contains an order for a book which cost over $130.

3) If the book is bought further letters are received offering more books.We don't know how many more books." (Quoted from distressedfaery)

Well this reminded me of another organization......aforementioned!

So I found someone who has actually bought the next "step" and wow....

"Concerning the 1400+ pages of "inside secrets", about 1200 of them were repetitious. There are a lot of adjectives like "neo-con", "parasitical", etc. The message very much resembles Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy with some odd twists that, no doubt, have Rand twirling dervishly in her mausoleum. Some of the basic advice: "quit smoking, lose weight, quit watching tv, do your job better than the other employees at work, give up your ridiculous belief in a creator or personal savior", and other perspicacious insights that can be had for free on public broadcasting channels or pamphlets from your local health department. Basically, don't be a doormat/victim and people will love and respect you for it rewarding you with positions of authority leading to more money which will cause your significant other to love you. Hence, the "power, riches, love" promised in the pamphlet."

The Redneck said the following and I agree:

"I kept my part of their instructions; I told no one of the invitation or the pamphlet. However, now I will, since I have a few problems with this idea of a special invitation, to-wit:

1) Why me? I tend to hide in the shadows. I am on precious few mailing lists (although obviously at least one), belong to no clubs or organizations, etc. I even live so far away from 'society' that I only recently got Internet access at my home. It would have been nice to get a hint of how they found me.

2) The pamphlet was indeed free, but it contained only 5 stories written by successful members, and each one was focused on literally begging me to buy the 'final installment'... the 1000-page, 2300-year-old translated manuscript that solves all your problems in life. Indeed, one story was a word-for-word copy of part of the invitation. I saw no secrets, only a few hints that I have not personally been able to put together into anything substantial.

3) Apparently, this was a ploy to sell a book. Research has found that Neo Tech Publishing is a small family-owned enterprise that specializes in selling the works of Frank Wallace, aka a half-dozen pseudonyms.

4) Yes, the invitation came First-Class Postage. But it was at a reduced rate, which means this WAS a bulk mailing resulting in a discount rate.

5) Every story mentioned a game of chance in Las Vegas. I have been to Las Vegas... nice place. Expensive place. Great place to lose your shirt. Those casinos have pros managing them. That's way out of my league.

6) Most of the stories mentioned finding the 1000-page miracle book either by accident or as a gift... so why am I supposed to buy it? And why for such a large sum of cash? (about $140)

7) The pamphlet I have been mentioning was referred to as an Orientation Booklet... strangest orientation I ever went through.

All in all, I believe this is a fantastic opportunity for Neo Tech Publishing to sell books. I just wish I had thought of the marketing idea. Somebody is definitely gonna get wealthy here. Guess who?"

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


So, I really like to teach, but the people in charge are making life so miserable, I wish I could find another job. Not as easy as I thought it might be. Every job I have ever had has sort of fallen into my lap. I do not know if I have the energy to pound the pavement as it were or more importantly the time to try to find something else. I do not feel too bad, as most people who come into the teaching profession only stay about 5 years. I love doing the college gigs because the admins know that good professors need autonomy to deliver the material in the way they see fit. At the lower levels, however, people with no training in education or recent experience inside of a classroom, make all the decisions.

It is the higher-ups that seem to be really causing the most damage to education, despite the popular opinion that the teachers all just suck. I learned today, for example, that if you get a nice grant, no matter what it is for, that the district automatically gets 10% right off the top. What... we have to tithe to the bosses now? It is supposedly for administrative fees, but if I am managing the grant, why do they get the money? That of course is just the tip of the iceberg. I can only imagine what really happens to all the money that goes to education. I know that not very much of it trickles down to the classroom and it certainly is not in my paycheck.

So the hunt is on and if I do not find something SOON, I will have to spend another year in the trenches and despite having seniority at my grade level, I have a feeling I will still have to have the class of behavior problems and learning issues. It would be a complete dream to have the gifted class, but since I am not an admin favorite, I can kiss that wish goodbye.